Closing Workshop in Historic Cairo

We closed our project with an event in Cairo in March 2023. During this event we presented the outcomes of the project, including the documentation as well as our joint research agenda.

In addition, we presented a survey on the state of the artisan woodwork businesses in historic Cairo. The workshops were surveyed during the project. They participated in activities as well as supported the development of the report:

Rodriguez Echavarria, Karina, Samaroudi, M., Abdel Barr, O., Salah, A., Sharara, N., Aboulfadl, A., Sakkout, S., Smythe, J., & Weyrich, Tim. (2023). Place-Based Development of Egypt’s Handicraft Clusters: A Review of al-Darb al-Ahmar Cluster in Historic Cairo (Version 1). Zenodo.
